
Hi! You can call me Tadpole. I enjoy maps/geography, sci-fi and speculative fiction, classic and sports cars and motorsports, and retro and retrofuturistic technology from the 70s-90s. Also a racing, role-playing, indie and retro video game connossieur.

I am a certified lurker.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 26th, 2023


  • I mostly lurk and prefer to not get involved in politics, but GOOD GOD I’M SO GLAD I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO FEELS THIS WAY. It’s so exhausting.

    What sucks is that voting isn’t swearing a blood oath that turns you into a slave of neoliberalism and prevents you from doing direct action: you can do both. Voting isn’t going to save Palestinians (and it’s a bitter pill to swallow, I know), but it’s going to save lots of other vulnerable minorities (who never really asked to be born in the imperial core!), and still provide breathing room for direct action that can help Palestine.

    Like… even if you don’t care about the safety of trans people, pragmatically speaking it’s immensely easier to organize as leftists in a neoliberal regime than it is in a fascist regime. Just look at what happened to the KPD when they proclaimed “first Hitler, then it’s our turn”. (Yes, the SPD backstabbed them during Weimar - RIP Rosa Luxemburg - but that pales to the Nazis basically rounding them all up and sending them to the gas chambers!) I don’t want history to repeat. Please don’t let it repeat.