Both good suggestions, thanks for the ideas
Both good suggestions, thanks for the ideas
I didn’t know they had free tiers… I’ll look into it
Hmm…i do have a raspberry pi that isn’t being used… Since it’s asp.net should be Linux compatible… Not a bad idea
Well it’s also a learning project as through a series of events I am technically a software developer in job title who got thrown into a c# code base with databases after doing a python boot camp for 9 weeks and have no mentor to tell me what I’m doing wrong on professional projects.
I’d join the navy but it’s full of sea men…
I agree with “if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear” that said before I get beheaded by lemmy… No on has nothing they don’t want public. Maybe you drink too much, maybe you’re pregnant, maybe you are in debt, maybe you have a ex lover you are try to keep away from. Everyone has something to hid but most governments don’t give a shit (corporations may but that’s a different topic).
That said if a key to a door exists it will be made public. They reason why keys work is there is 10000+ of them. Odds are the keys to my apartment aren’t identical to yours. That said if a universal key was made the idea of locking your doors is irreverent. Because eventually that key will be public, you boss may see your apartment, your mother may, your ex girlfriend may etc.
This like tell lock makers to make a universal key that will open any locked door. Yes it may help investigators if they have a suspicion of who did it(and are willing to break the 4th amendment) but who else may it help?
I had a job doing that but I quit… It was “soda pressing”
Yes but for example for seizures I want a simple form, not having to type in entries. Especially for siezures, it’s normally a busy event of caring for him, having to add a seizure taking more than a minute means it probably won’t be used.