I want to delete my Disney plus account but their app and website force some ad for their latest subscription deal. My account settings are not accessible anywhere. When I am logged in and refresh the page, I can briefly see my avatar in the top right corner before the ad comes up. According to Disney’s instructions, I need to use that to access my account configuration and delete it.
Is this a denial of my right to erasure granted by the GDPR? Should I report this to some authority? If yes, who is that authority?
I signed up for a bundle and ESPN told me Disney had to cancel it and Disney says ESPN had to cancel it. Eventually they cancelled it out of courtesy. Definitely not making that mistake again.
Make a screen recording of the issue and save the webpage so you have evidence.
I had to contact customer service by email to delete my account, of I recall correctly.
I suspect that Disney pays bottom dollar for login technologists. Their account management is atrocious.
Maybe its shit by design
Yup. I was struggling with this for a month and had to escalate it with their customer service twice to get them to delete my account.
First time a service person told me they will delete it within 3 months, but I checked and they had not. Contacted them again and explained that I will let the local consumer protection services know if they don’t and they finally deleted my account (but who knows if they anonymized my data, they did say they don’t delete it)
Are you using an ad blocker? Have you tried using a JavaScript blocker like NoScript? Is the ad preventing any kind of navigation (like, is it hiding controls and on a timer)?
I am using Firefox. I tried to disable the cookie protection and their website still does not work
try another browser like chrome.
maybe open your browsers developer tools and temporarily delete the covering element from the DOM
In doubt, their customer support is the first “authority” to contact.