I’d rather…
“Here lies saltesc. Killed by a fucking stupid cunt. It’ll happen to you.”
Edit: And I mean that in the Australian way, not the American way, which I understand “the c-bomb” is seen as a naughty word and oddly only specific to women. So weird.
They should implement some kind of rating that shows just how righteous you were of a dude when you lived. Like, if you fed the homeless or volunteered in your local town or even just didn’t drive with your cell phone in your lap, you’d score points.
And then we could all compare scores, like some beautiful smug competition.
Akin to a credit score, but you know, for like, social things.
Welcome! Everything is fine!
Cars make people evil
These are the kind of drivers who automatically just lay on the horn and plow right on through instead of doing any sort of defensive maneuver.