The solution is to fire the regulators, of course.
Then give Elon Musk a giant government contract to take over. And pray I guess after that.
Why? They did their jobs: save the state money.
But how are the oligarchs supposed to get rich like that?
Sorry, in this instance saving the state money saves the oligarchs money. Not having to update or replace the reactors saves money and raises stock prices.
So my wife has an ex-husband who lives in Texas (by choice - loves it there, owns “let’s go Brandon” stuff). They’ve been divorced long enough that their interactions are cordial. She’s a civil servant, and she mentioned to him that all the attacks on federal workers have her worried about her job. His response to this, and many many things, was, “you’ll be fine.”
All this is to say, I think when conservatives don’t understand or don’t want to think about things, they default to “it’ll be fine.” And it will… Until it isn’t. Then they look for who to blame.
Then they look for who to blame.
They don’t have to look far. There’s a line of well-worn scapegoats going out the door and around the block.
I think they have a wheel hidden somewhere of who do we blame today?
Translation: he does not want to hear about it any further.
“When someone tells you who they are, it’s best to believe them the first time.”
(NRC) to extend Turkey Point’s operating license to 2053, a reversal of its earlier refusal.
Would make it 86 years old. One of its design criteria is that cooling water must be below 100F. This got exceeded last year, and regulators said NP. New limit is the 104F it hit. Last couple of years, coastal waters around FL have been over 100F.
Reactors this age usually ask for expensive maintenance work to extend operations often just 5 years, Zero mention of this likely means no NRC inspection. These sites were refused an extension in 2019.
Turkey Point survived Hurricane Andrew at full force, but, when it goes underwater due to rising sea level, so will the majority of
SouthFlorida.Exactly, they won’t need it anyway.
It’ll be fine.
… /s