Alternate suggestion: be tall and wear regular platform boots. Tower over me.
why not both?
One on each foot so you walk lopsided
My fear is that people would notice the unnaturally short lower legs and also I’m 193cm tall, I need to just embrace being a tall mommy type girly
depending on the outfit, i dont think people would notice, but your right tall girls are great (source: trust me)
I’d be careful. Unnatural ratios can be very noticeable, and body ratios are very ingrained into our subconsciousness. It would cause something to feel off on a first glance, causing a more accurate second glance, which likely would it make very obvious.
Or just get proportionallly sized clothes that fit and dress like a normal girl (not mommy)
Yeah, I was mostly joking :P
Fun fact: 6” heels mean nobody is brave enough to comment on your height
One of my wife’s friends is tall, like 6’3", and wears huge boots.
Everyone just wants to climb her like a tree
Nice! I’m 5’11” and regularly wear 6” heels out. My wife likes it as does everyone else
I am already short,I could be even shorter :3
If smol correlates with cute, you could at the same time become even cuter :3
nah I am an absolute goblin. With good and the bad(which means I am ugly :3 :3)