And what’s this dapper gentleman from the late 20th Century doing here?
TNG s5e15 “Power Play”
He was Khan all along!
Bumberbats sure has a face on him.
Yeah, Burlington Coat-factory is a very versatile and expressive actor.
I’m always interested in what Bumblebee Corndoghatch is up to.
Sherlock Spolmesck
Time travel.
Also, the OP scenario was not even the weirdest thing that happened that day…
(It’s… it’s Nicholas Cage, your argument is invalid)
Good ol Vampire’s Kiss
What is this,
? Oh nvm, I see that in fact it is, carry on then…
whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
There are five lights!
Probably the smartest move. Clear the area, check the scanners, videos and what not, reevaluate and come up with a plan. Don’t just walk into the same trap.
That looks like rear admiral Al Calavicci in the hallway
you can’t run from space.
everything in the whole universe is inside space.