I’ve got two slips of latinum and a ride token for Galia’s Moon Resort. Will that do?
Fee averted, I read it in this guy’s voice.
Nice try.
collects three strips of latinum from you
Hah it was just worthless gold, the latinum is hidden somewhere else entirely.
Snyder and Quark have different voice anyways. Quark has teeth prosthetics which changes his voice from his natural one. It’s subtle but it’s there.
The one thing in common: he filmed that last episode of Buffy and DS9 on the same week.
Didn’t you get killed by a giant snake?
Gaming the system Mr. Derek? That’s detention.
What about in Rom’s voice, Brother?
Union dues
I read it in the voice of the principal of Sunnydale High School.
collects three strips of latinum from you
They’re the same person?
Jokes on you; I have no idea what his voice sounds like.
I read lots of headlines in Professor Farnsworth’s voice - a highly satisfying habit I recommend cultivating.
Good news everyone! I’ve decided to take your advice!
Watching DS9 after seeing Pulp Fiction my friend said, “Ooooh! Check out the big brain on Quark!”
Internal thoughts cannot be monetized. The flipside of ‘you cannot be sued for copyright infringement for having unoriginal thoughts.’
Rule of acquisition number 294: Everything can be monetized with the right attitude.
I would like to nominate you for the next Grand Nagus. You clearly have the lobes necessary.
What about the borg? Can they sue the collective if they have an original thought?
Hmm, the Borg are probably the Ferengi’s worst nightmare. Being a hive mind, they don’t have an economy…which means no profit!
I don’t know the legal ramifications, but you’d think any thoughts arising from the collective would be public domain.
Internal thoughts cannot be monetized.
I read this in Armin Shimmerman’s voice; not Quark’s.
Andrew Ryan: Would you kindly pay me three strips of latinum
Andrew Ryan: Would you kindly pay me three strips of latinum
I forget that Quark was Andrew Ryan
collects three strips of latinum from you
As someone who has never actually seen Star Trek and has only ever enjoyed the memes, looks like I get free internal vocalizations.
Also I have no idea what this guy sounds like. My immediate thought is Tony Shalhoub
You should really try watching it sometime.
collects three strips of latinum from you
I’m just afraid the mystique will be broken y’know? Like running into a flock of peacocks.
TNG and DS9 have their bad episodes, but they are incredibly good over all (Mostly in the early seasons)
I feel like you got the parentheses in the wrong spot in that sentence. Are you really suggesting the incredibly good episodes are mostly in the early seasons?
Monk or Antonio Scarpacci
From MiB
Goddamnit Jeebs!
THAT’S his name! I couldn’t remember for the life of me
Probably a little difficult to talk at all with those nose and mouth prosthetics